Trying to Keep Cool at these Omaha Apartments!
Yes, it’s another beautiful summer day, if you don’t mind temps into the 90’s or around 100 degrees. Personally, my preference is a little cooler than that, but I can’t find the thermostat, so I guess I’ll just have to live with it.
The dog days of summer seem to be lasting longer than usual. This summer is proving to be one of the hottest on record. Our pool is still open here at the Villa Vinee Apartments, so definitely use that to your advantage to keep cool! With cool thoughts in mind, here are a few tips for keeping you and your family cool during these sweltering days, even if you don’t have air conditioning.
1. Keep the sun out. Close blinds around the apartment during the day to prevent the hot summer sun from creating a greenhouse effect in your apartment.
2. Night is nice. Summer nights can be a little more bearable, so be sure to open two or more windows during the night to create an air flow and invite in the cool(er) nighttime breezes.
3. Cool meals. Using the oven or stove only adds to the heat and humidity in your apartment. Try making cold dishes on very hot days or stick to using the microwave only.
4. Lighten up. Drape dark color furniture with light colored sheets to avoid unnecessary heat absorption.
5. Become a fan of fans. Standard ceiling or box fans are the best way to cool off a stuffy apartment. Open a window to let the hot air out and use fans to create an artificial air current that can cool your apartment by as much as 15 degrees instantly!