Time to Pay Rent at these Omaha Apartments

Rent is due here at Villa Vinee’…   don’t forget to check out Rent Cafe’;  you can pay your rent online!!   This is a tremendous benefit for those of you who are too busy to come to the office and pay your rent.   You can even set up an automatic payment for the same time each month.   There is NO FEE to pay using your bank account information online.   There is a fee for using your credit card, however, but it is half of the late fee charge, so that is an option if you are in a pinch.    Don’t forget, you can also make maintenance requests online, as well, and we will put information about the property on Rent Cafe’, as well.    If you don’t know how to access Rent Cafe’, call the office, or email us at villavinee@roberthancockco.com, and we’ll set you up!!