These Omaha Apartments want to Prepare you for Storm Season!

Summer is here and so is storm season!!  Are you ready to withstand powerful gusts of wind, pounding hail and possibly even a tornado? You shouldn’t wait until severe weather is predicted in your area to take action – plan ahead for hailstorms, wind storms and tornadoes by following these steps. 

Facts about storms
About 3,000 hailstorms occur annually in the United States, and hail that develops during severe storms can reach softball size. An average of 1,000 tornadoes a year causes $1.1 billion in property damage, 1,500 injuries and 80 deaths. Tornadoes are nature’s most violent storms, and while the vast majority of them are weak and short in duration, they can cause significant damage.
Don’t wait for a storm to come, take these steps to protect your home and family from severe weather.
Planning ahead
Prior to the arrival of a storm, you should take the following steps:
    1. Build an emergency kit. Your kit should include: A supply of water and non-perishable food for each family member, First-aid supplies, Personal hygiene items, Portable radio, Flashlight, Fresh batteries, Extra car keys, Cash, Important contact numbers (such as medical centers, insurance agents, utilities, neighbors and family members), Copies of important documents (such as identification, insurance policies, ownership certificates and banking information)
    2. Create and practice a plan of action for your family. Discuss where and how you will seek shelter during a storm, ensure that everyone is aware of the location of first-aid kits and fire extinguishers, and choose a place for your family to meet if you get separated.
    3. Stay tuned to local radio and TV stations for important weather updates. Tornadoes often accompany thunderstorm warnings, and the sooner you’re aware that a storm is on the way, the sooner you can get your family to safety.
    4. Identify the safest area of your home, a place where you can take shelter when the storm hits.
    5. Identify escape routes from your home or neighborhood
    6. Stay away from windows and doors when the storm arrives, and keep all exterior doors and windows closed to prevent rain and falling debris damage in your home’s interior.