Pacific Gardens Apartments to Host Food Drive for Omaha’s Salvation Army

It’s that time of year again when we are reminded that while we are all giving thanks, that there are those less fortunate than us.  At Pacific Gardens, we will be hosting a food drive for the Salvation Army during the entire month of December.  We will have a bin located in the clubhouse where residents will be able to drop off food donations.  Items in demand this year are:


Boxed Dry Dinners/Mac n’ Cheese

Boxed/Bagged Rice Products

Canned Meat

Canned Vegeatables/Beans/Tomato Products

Canned Soups/Stews

Boxed Cake/Cookie/Muffin Mixes

Every little bit helps, so feel free to stop by and drop off any items that you can spare.  We will be collecting from November 29th through December 28th so let’s get that bin overflowing with donations!  Check out the Salvation Army’s website, for more information about how else you can assist.

Keep in mind that Pacific Garden’s office will be closed for the holiday from November 22nd – November 25th.  We will resume normal office hours on Monday, November 26th.  Have a great turkey day from all of us here at PG!