Looking for a great Omaha Apartment

If you are here, reading this article, you are on this website, most likely contemplating your next move.  Many times, location, or a pool, or something specific catches your eyes and takes you to one of the 10 great properties.  

If you’ve picked out one apartment complex over the other 9 great places, that’s great.  Everything seems great, but perhaps that one place may not be available for your time frame, or they don’t have a two-bedroom for you for a couple months.  If that’s the case, don’t wait to contact one of our sister properties right away to see what they may have to offer.   Often times, our residents looked at another RHC property first, but ended up at a different place altogether.

Give a few properties a ring when looking, and your next apartment will be at the other end of one of those lines!!

Villa is leasing for September now…  if you need something for that time frame, let us know, and if you need something sooner, try one of the other 9 great properties.