Keeping Cozy at these Shadow Lake Apartments!

Tips on staying warm in these cold weather conditions we’ve been experiencing. Instead of cranking up the heat and causing your utility bill to skyrocket, try these apartment ideas for cozying up to the winter weather:

Blankets! Have a throw blanket on hand for when it gets chilly. You’ll be happy you have a warm and fuzzy blanket to cuddle up in when you’re watching a movie, studying, reading or chatting with friends.

Bedding! It’s time to swap out your bedding for warmer alternatives. That means taking that big heavy comforter out of storage and exchanging your current sheets for possibly flannel ones. You’ll stay nice and toasty all through the night.

Opt for warmer colors! Sometimes just the illusion of a warm space can make a difference in the temperature of your apartment. Switch out your throw pillows, blankets, rugs and even wall decor for ones in shades of yellow, orange, red or purple.

Bake! What better way to warm up this winter season than with freshly goodies? Turn on the oven (which helps warm up a small apartment quickly) and sharpen your baking skills by making all of your favorite treats. Turn it into a party by inviting friends over, or bring some sweets over to new neighbors as a way to introduce yourself.

Layers! Before you turn up the heat on your thermostat, try putting on a few more layers first. Bring your favorite chunky sweaters and sweatshirts
out of storage and keep them handy.

Host a Movie Night! If the weather outside is frightful… and it definitely has been; invite a few friends over for a movie marathon. You can all cuddle up on the couch with pillows, blankets and plenty of popcorn. All that body heat will warm the apartment fast.

A Hot Beverage! Warm up quickly with a big cup of hot cocoa, tea or coffee –or maybe some wine. This will ward off the cold and keep your taste buds happy.

Hop in the Bath! Take a moment to relax by filling a bath with hot water and plenty of bubbles. Light some candles for a little extra warmth, grab your favorite book to read or listen to music. You’ll heat up in no time and de-stress while you’re at it.