It’s Greening up Nicely at these Omaha Apartments

Maybe you’ve noticed, and maybe you haven’t, but spring is here.    With the recent rain, and expected rain this week, things are starting to get green in a hurry.    Here are few other things that will be happening soon.

With the spring, we will be doing furnace filter changes this month.   You will see a note on your building indicating the time we will do this.

Also, you’ll start to see the mowers and trimmers the week of April 13th.   Please be courteous when they are around, and in the parking lot.  We should also have the parking lot swept that same week, or the week after.   

Lastly, we will be putting on a new roof on the 419-421 building.    This should start by May 1.   Hopefully this will be a seemless project.

Have a wonderful spring, and if you are new to Villa Vinee’, welcome!