A Few Notes from this Omaha Apartment

Here are a couple friendly reminders from us at Villa Vinee’.

First..  please note that the speed limit is 10 MPH in the parking lot.  We have had some close calls, and that spot near the twin dumpsters can be tricky, especially if there is someone pulling out of a garage there.   Thanks for watching those speeds!!  

Second..  we still have a few garages available, and if you want one, let us know!  If you haven’t contacted me, and you want one, they are $55 a month, and a month to month contract.

Third..  speaking of dumpsters.. please try and help us by making sure you are putting trash in the correct dumpster.  We are still seeing bags of trash in the recycling dumpster and that is not good.  If we keep seeing trash, Waste Management will pull that opportunity, and we’ll lose the recycling bin.  So please help us by watching which one you place trash in.   We appreciate it!

Hope you are having a great September. From your staff at Villa Vinee’!